I decided to keep with the restaurant theme by going to the Sugarbowl. I've eaten there many times before but never had a cappuccino. To be honest, I really like the Sugarbowl. I like the atmosphere, I like the art on the walls (I found an amazing painting that I would've bought if it wasn't $1300) and I like the crowd it attracts. And I also really like the food. So I already knew that I was going to go back there even if I didn't like the cappuccino. Lucky for you, Sugarbowl. Lucky. For. You.
The cappuccino was just fine. No bells, no whistles. Just fine. I added sugar because it was more bitter than I like, but it was perfectly non-threatening. It didn't make a huge impression, but it didn't offend me either.
If all of these cappuccinos were people, I would think that this one would be that girl at a party that isn't making a scene but when you leave you remember having this totally decent chat with this lovely girl but you can't seem to remember her name. You would've tried to kiss the Italian Center and you would have almost got into a fight with the Mandolin Bookstore, but this one, you just walked away thinking, Man, she is really nice ... whatever her name was.